How To Store TMT Bars? Here Are Some Rules You Should Follow
December 20, 2022
Since the construction of buildings has increased in India, the demand for all construction materials, including TMT bars has also risen. Thus, with the increase in demand, the TMT bar suppliers in Chennai are bound to increase the supply as well in order to meet the needs of the builders.
TMT bars are the backbone of any construction. These bars, along with cement and other building materials are used for constructing the structure of the building. Thus, it is essential to buy steel bars from trusted TMT bar suppliers in Chennai to ensure that the quality is not being compromised. However, buying the best quality TMT bars is not enough. One must also be aware of how to store these buildings’ materials so that they are not destroyed during or after the construction process.
How do TMT bar suppliers in Chennai store building materials?
There are several dos and don’ts for storing TMT bars. These rules must be followed so that the quality of the bar is retained even after they are kept for a long time. Let’s take a look at the ways to store TMT bars.
TMT bars are highly reactive to moisture and dust. Thus, they must always be kept under a shade and covered with polyethene sheets.
It is important to stack the TMT bars rightly. This stacking should be altered according to its diameter. Stacking them according to their diameter prevents them from falling.
Each TMT bar has a different length, starting from 5.6mm to 32mm. One can get these bars from any steel supplier in Chennai.
While storing the TMT bars, the gap between them should vary from 1-2 meters. This is mandatory for every equal amount of load. Also, try to buy TMT bars from some of the best steel companies in India so that the quality of the bars is at its best.
TMT bar suppliers in Chennai know that excessive transverse and longitudinal loads can damage the structure of the concrete building and its strength. Thus, it is important to keep them on a raised wooden platform that is present at the site or the storehouse so that there is no contact with the ground.
The temperature for storing the TMT bars should be pleasant. Also, there should be a lot of ventilation so that there is no sudden drop in temperature inside and outside the store.
Keep them stored in a dry area to avoid getting corroded and decaying. Also, pack the bars properly so that they are completely covered.
Best steel companies in India should not stack the TMT bars right on the floor to avoid contact with the dirt since the bars can get corroded from the moisture, air and water droplets that can directly damage the TMT bars and degrade their quality.
The storage where steel suppliers in Chennai store the TMT bars should not react with the bars. The material of the storage house should be something that can absorb moisture from the environment and keep the TMT bars corrosion free.
Do not stack the entire storage with only TMT bars. This can cause accidents due to over-heaping. Rather, keeping a different kind of steel products in a lesser amount together can help in the smooth stock-piling process.
The storage area should be checked for water leaks so that the corrosion of TMT bars can be avoided. Also, do not store any kind of paint or other chemicals in the same storage as the TMT bars.
Tips for storing Steel reinforcement
Stack up the TMT bars according to the different sizes and lengths.
Paint the end of the bars with distinct colours for identification.
Coat the steel reinforcements with cement before it is stacked so that the scaling and rusting can be prevented.
The reinforcement bars should be stored at a minimum height of at least 150 mm.
Storing a finished product is as important as manufacturing it. Therefore, these should not be taken lightly. The physical and chemical properties of the material must also be taken into consideration while storing the product. In case there is damage in the storing process of the TMT bars, a huge loss of money can occur for the company.